Providing non-medical services to seniors to assist them to live independently in their own homes and remain connected to their communities.
Seniors 65 and older, living independently in Dawson Creek can contact Better at Home to find out more and to apply for services.
Seniors 65 and older, living independently in Dawson Creek can contact Better at Home to find out more and to apply for services.
Better at Home is a program that provides non-medical services to seniors to assist them to live independently in their own homes and remain connected to their communities. Seniors 65 and older, living independently in Dawson Creek can contact Better at Home to find out more and to apply for services.
Better at Home services vary from community to community. They are designed to complement existing services and are based on the unique needs of local seniors.
Services available in Dawson Creek are:
The Better at Home Program is available in over 70 communities across British Columbia. To find a Better at Home near you, go to the Better at Home provincial website.
In Dawson Creek, Better at Home is a partnership between SPCRS and SPSASS, the South Peace Seniors’ Access Services Society. The program is funded by the Government of British Columbia and managed by the United Way of the Lower Mainland.
Provincial Better at Home Website
Dawson Creek Alliance - Meals For You
South Peace Community Resources Society is a true grass roots organization. Since the start, and with the support of our local partners and stakeholders, we have grown alongside our local community to meet the unique and changing needs of our residents. Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to providing safe and accessible services to those we support, enabling healthy and productive lives.