Our Programs

Square One for Seniors

Connecting seniors to their community

Seniors 65 years of age and living within Dawson Creek or surrounding areas, particularly seniors who are at risk of frailty or social isolation who are referred by a health care professional.

Seniors 65 years of age and living within Dawson Creek or surrounding areas, particularly seniors who are at risk of frailty or social isolation who are referred by a health care professional.

Program Summary

The Square One for Seniors program supports seniors to be independent and actively engaged in their community.

Seniors are assisted with referrals, information, and access to support, services, opportunities, or products that may enhance their health, well-being, and social connectedness. The program allows health care professionals to refer senior clients, who may be socially isolated or at risk of frailty, to the community connector who can assist them to make those connections.

The program is funded by the Government of BC and managed by the United Way.

Living Local


South Peace Community Resources Society is a true grass roots organization. Since the start, and with the support of our local partners and stakeholders, we have grown alongside our local community to meet the unique and changing needs of our residents. Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to providing safe and accessible services to those we support, enabling healthy and productive lives.